

The key objective of the Strategic Research and Innovation Partnership MATerials as end PROducts (SRIP MATPRO) is to create value chains with a focus on the production of materials for use in complex products with high added value and a strong potential for positioning within global value chains.

The action is based on promoting and enhancing the development, ambition and quality as well as on strengthening strategic alliances and establishment of horizontal networks. By this we plan to achieve a critical mass of competences and capacities, complementing various technologies in terms of development of new materials, products and services. The value-chain approach is designed to include the complete cycle from development to marketing, and addressing technological and non-technological innovations, promoting entrepreneurship as well as providing other common services.

The joint development of R&D initiatives will be carried out in two basic directions: 

- through common pre-competitive development between companies in related sectors, where it is necessary to solve fundamental challenges, and

- through joint development within established value chains between companies from different sectors.

MATPRO members will be supported through the research environment, which is especially important for medium and small enterprises. In doing so, we will contribute to reducing the risks of investing in high-tech equipment, pooling competencies,  capacities and investment potential, increasing the utilization of equipment and contributing to establishing long-lasting business relationships.


The Role of Materials for Green Carbon-Free Society

The event took place on December 8, 2020.

The representatives of the SRIP MATPRO talked about the role of metals, the development of new advanced lightweight materials, the importance of research, recycling and sustainability as potential opportunities for future growth and development.
Promotional brochure >>>

SRIP MATPRO On The Way Towards Sustainability

The bilingual brochure SRIP MATPRO On The Way Towards Sustainability offers a glimpse into the initial steps towards a climate neutral circular economy and offers insight into new, excellent, recyclable materials of the future, as well as the plans and challenges being faced by companies, planning to work on the evaluation and improvement of environmental aspects on the way towards a carbon neutral, circular economy.


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