
Arhiv: FREE international conference on Challenges, trends and solutions in developing and processing of recycled polymer materials, 21.-22. 9. 2023 Slovenj Gradec - Slovenia

Vabljeni na mednarodno konferenco na temo Izzivi, trendi in rešitve na področju razvoja in predelave recikliranih polimernih materialov, ki bo potekala 21. in 22. septembra 2023  prostorih Fakultete za tehnologijo polimerov v Slovenj Gradcu. Gostili bomo vrhunske predavatelje iz industrije in akademske sfere ter prvi dan organizirali tudi B2B sekcijo in brezplačno usposabljanje na temo prijava projektov na tem področju. 

Več informacij spodaj. 

Konferenca je brezplačna in organizirana v hibridni izvedbi (v živo in preko spleta).

Ekipa FTPO



          1st International IPPT_TWINN conference on Challenges, trends and solutions in developing and processing of recycled polymer materials


We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to our 1st IPPT_TWINN international conference on Challenges, trends and solutions in developing and processing of recycled polymer materials, which will be held during September 21-22 this year in Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia and on-line. 

The aim of the 1st IPPT_TWINN conference is to connect different stakeholders from industry and academia interested in the topic of development and processing of recycled polymer materials, with the focus on challenges, trends and solutions in using recycled materials for different types of industries (i.e. packaging, automotive, electro, white goods,…).

The conference participation is FREE of charge and is organized within the IPPT_TWINN project.

The 1st Day of the conference will include plenary speakers and invited lecturers from industry adn academia in three sessions focusing on packaging, automotive, electro and home appliance applications and one session focusing on recycling of cross-linked polymers (thermosets and elastomers). Showcasing current developments in materials, case studies from industry and the current R&D findings. It will end with the panel discussion. In the afternoon we will also organize a B2B session and in parallel also a very interesting 3 hour Open training on research funding opportunities. The free training will focus on the following topics: Basic information on Horizon Europe, How to search for the right grant/call, Winning proposal essential features, Examples of current calls on the topic of recycling and sustainable material. The lecturers/trainers are very well experienced researchers, project managers of a Spanish Technological centre AITIIP, which currently manages more than 15 Horizon Europe projects and submits more than 60 applications for Horizon Europe grants per year. They focus mostly on polymer materials and technologies.

The 2nd Day day will showcase current research findings and will include three plenary speakers, four invited speakers and accepted scientific contributions (lectures and recorded lectures available to the conference participants only).

The conference program and the main speakers are published here on the bottom link.

